Puma Punku (1/3) - The H Blocks

Puma Punku, located 11km South-Est of Lake Titicaca, 3650m above sea level, is without a doubt one of the most enigmatic sites in the world. Not only is this monument complex revealing megaliths weighing more than 100 tons scattered inexplicably all over the area, but all elements found in situ are showing amazing stonework, craftsmanship and engineering know-how.
Stones as smooth and flat as a glass window, perfect right angles and drill holes in andesite and red sandstone suggest the need of power tools to achieve such precision.

The most famous stones of this site are the „H blocks”. Only 10 of them can still be found today. However studies have revealed that there must be countless others still unearthed. Patterns and blueprints have been created and have shown that every „H block” is unique and is part of a bigger and more complex intricate assemblage. For what purpose? No one can say. But they all show undeniable advanced mastery of stone cutting and shaping.

We can’t date the stone cuttings of Puma Punku. The only available technique is carbon dating of “organic” findings on site such as pieces of leather or wood. Academic archeologists therefore estimate the site was built around 500BC. However, when local people are asked about the site, no one can give further information. They all agree that “Puma Punku” was already here long before any group settled on the site (leaving behind the carbon dated pieces of leather and wood). Archeologist Arthur Posnansky spent decades on the site and had another theory. He gathered available cardinal points shown by megaliths still in place such as doorways and gates. Studied archeostronomy of the ruins alignment with the stars. In 1945, he concluded that Puma Punku was built around 15 000BC.