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Origins of life „How old are we?” (1/2) – Impossible Theory of Evolution

From the theory of evolution to excavation findings, our past is becoming more uncertain every day. Where do we come from? Primates? How old are we really? 500 000 years old? 1 million? Do we even have definite answers to that? The answer is no.

We could get closer to those answers if key findings were not deleted and discredited by modern scholars. After all, why should we be so arrogant to believe we know everything? History taught for thousands of years that everything we knew was right ... until we discovered it was wrong. But this is a much wider topic which deserves a deep facts-based historical look at how the truth has always been withheld from the mass by the powerful ones to maintain control.

Back to our topic: the first issue is the theory of evolution. The accepted story is that we all come from primates, between 500-450 000 years ago and again 250 000 years later, genetic and evolutionnary gaps took place, speeding homo sapiens evolution. To understand why this is hardly possible we need to look at what „evolution” means for the rest of nature.

Evolution is a process lasting millions, if not billions, of years. All species of fauna and flora did follow the exact same evolutionnary path over millions and billions of years. Evolution is the most amazingly perfect, yet slow, process there is. Mountains take tens of millions of years to be created. Animal species are the same. Technicially speaking, birds are among the very last remnants of the dinosaur era. Komodo dragons are also an example. But it took them hundrerds of millions of years to evolve and adapt their size, shapes. Why would human be any different?

Why Astralopithecus from 5 million years ago, Homo habilis from 2 million years ago, Homo erectus from 1 million years ago, Neanderthal from 100 000 years ago don’t exist anymore? Not even in an „evolved way”? Why Neanderthal from yesterday (on an evolution scale) disappeared and POOF, magic, modern Homo sapiens suddenly arrived and reached its final shape in a blink of an eye?

Why would mankind make „evolutionnary leaps” and none of the other forms of life on earth ever did? We are unable to fill in our missing evolutionary gaps so the only explanation we can find is: our evolution from monkeys made unexplained/unproved evolutionary leaps.

Why couldn’t we just stay humble and admit „We don’t know yet” and actually consider all discoveries to help answer all the questions we just asked ourselves?!

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